Please read the message from Blackpool Central Neighbourhood & Blackpool Police about parking outside of school:
Blackpool Central Neighbourhood
16th January 2025
Due to a high number of complaints across the Town Centre, we are having to issue another
reminder to motorists about parking responsibly. We need to share the road with other users,
especially the most vulnerable road users e.g. cyclists.
Please remember that pedestrians need to be seen and to see the road clearly when crossing the
road to school and beyond. From now on, seriously consider the location of the school and how your
actions as a parent/guardian can have an impact on the neighbouring areas. How your actions could
have a serious impact on the safety of a child who is trying to attend school.
If you do use a vehicle to drop a child off at school, whether that is your own car or a taxi, please do
consider parking further away from the schools’ entrance/exits, if it’s safe and legal to do so and
walk the remainder of the journey.
Please do NOT park on:
school ‘keep clear’ zigzags.
double/single yellow lines.
close to junctions/blocking any access.
on pavements.
blocking car parking spots.
Due to the number of complaints, the police will be working alongside parking services and they may
be in attendance together. This is due to actions of parents/guardians.
Thank you for your cooperation.