Welcome to Class 2

Welcome to Year 2,

In the classroom this year there will be Mrs Hume (Class teacher), Mrs Hardisty and Miss Lyttle (Teaching Assistants).

We are looking forward to a year of fabulous learning.

The children will bring their reading books home everyday. We would like them to read at least 3 times a week. Please remember to sign their record book when they read with you at home. 

Library day is Wednesday. Please return library books each Wednesday. 

The children will bring home spellings every Friday. Please help them to practice these and return the books each Monday so we can have a quick spelling test.

Our PE days are Tuesday (outdoor) and Friday (indoor).

Please continue to keep an eye on Tapestry for any further information.

Thank you

Mrs Hume

Class 2 Teacher 

Year 2 - Fleetwood Trip - Wednesday 10th July

As part of this terms Geography topic covering Seaside holidays in the UK, Year2 will be visiting Fleetwood on Wednesday 10th July. 

School uniform must be worn; please dress according to the weather. Sun hat or waterproof coat with hood.

If the weather is sunny, before school please apply sun cream and give any hay fever medication. If your child has an any adverse reactions to bee/wasp stings, please inform school prior to the trip.

Minibuses will leave at approximately 9.30am, we will return to school for normal home time.

Reception  and KS1 Sports Day - Friday 12th July

We will be holding our annual Sports Day for KS1 (Reception,Y1,Y2) on Friday 12th  July.

This will be held (weather permitting) at school on the middle playground:

Year 2 will hold their sports event in the afternoon: 2pm until 2:45pm.

Parents are welcome to come and support their children, however, due to space restrictions, we are limiting this to two tickets per child.

If you would like to attend, please collect your two tickets from the office. 

Please could you ensure that your child has a P.E. Kit in school to enable them to take part. A sun hat/cream would be advisable if the weather is very warm.

Natalie Pascoe Paintings - Summer 2 

We have been learning all about the work of Natalie Pascoe, and have created our own paintings in her style based on landmarks in Fleetwood.

Sports Day 2024 - 12/07/24

Year 2 had a great time at their sports day.

Trip to Fleetwood - 10/07/24

Year 2 went to Fleetwood. They combined some geography and art skills. They followed a map and sketched some of the features to use in our art unit based on work by Natalie Pascoe. It was very wet, but we had fun!

Wild Discovery Park 08/05/24

Year 2 had a lovely day at the wildlife park learning all about  about habitats, predators, prey, carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. 

We even saw a baby Binturong.

Life cycle of a chick

Year 2 have loved watching the eggs hatch and observing the changes every day as they have cared for the chicks. They have learnt a lot about animals and their needs and life cycles.

Christmas Party


The children enjoyed their Christmas Party! There was lots of dancing and party games.



Christmas journey with BSYW


The children were taken on a journey through the six scenes of the Christmas Story to experience the Nativity and its relevance today. The experience involved drama, puppets, music, song, crafts and storytelling.



Fire Service Visit


The Fire service came to visit us to talk about keeping safe in a fire. We learnt all about the importance of smoke alarms, how to drop and roll and how to make a fire safety plan for our own homes.



Visit from Artist Andrew Hill


We had a visit from Artist Andrew Hill.  He showed us how to use clay and lots of different tools to make a tile with dinosaur textures, fossils and volcanoes.



Visited to Blackpool Zoo


Year 2 visited the zoo. We had a dinosaur workshop and went on a dinosaur hunt as well as enjoying all the other animals around the zoo. We even showed the flamingos or our 'flamingo' balances that we have been practicing in our PE  lessons.



Imam visiting from the Mosque


Here are some pictures of the Imam visiting from the Mosque to talk to the children about the Qur'an. He showed them some Arabic letters and words and read the passage about Jesus' birth in Arabic.


Year 2 Live Lesson: Rock Stars of History!


Year 2 took part in a live lesson from the Natural History museum in Oxford called 'Rock Stars of History'. The children learnt all about how fossils are formed and the different types of fossils. They found out about the work of Palaeontologists. We found out about the biggest dinosaur found in Britain - The Megalosaurus!


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