St. John's C of E School are Proud to present...
The Big Little Nativity ✨
Tuesday 12th December at 2.00pm and Wednesday 13th December at 9.30am
...Look out for a very important letter in your child's book bag!
Reception, Year 1 & 2 children would like to invite you to watch their Nativity on Tuesday 12th December at 2.00pm and Wednesday 13th at 9.30am, both performances will take place in school. All the children and staff are working tremendously hard to ensure that this is a spectacular event.
It is an event not to be missed!
Tickets are £1.00 per adult (children are free if they can be seated on a parent's knee). Each family will be allocated 2 tickets for each performance initially, with a view to requesting extra tickets, these will be given on a first come first served basis. All tickets will be sent with children, so please check their reading bags.
We will be holding a raffle on the day of each performance so don't forget your pennies.
Photographs of the children will be for sale and can be ordered at the performance.
We look forward to seeing you there!
...While in the depths of your child's book bag please take a look at what other treasures it may hold!
Book bags should be checked nightly and all letters and master pieces taken out, as well as their reading books.
Children at St. John's are expected to read nightly and for this to be noted in their reading record.