Next week (W.B:20/11/23) at St. John's:

Monday 20th November:

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children will be attending a workshop held by Lancashire Hawks & Owls, on Monday 20th November, which will tie in with this term’s science topic’s.

During the workshop, the children will learn all about the various Owl’s and other Birds of Prey, their habitats and other interesting facts relating to the different species, also, how these birds are becoming endangered due to today’s environment.

We are asking for a donation of £2 per child to help cover the cost of the visit, please pay this at the school office if you haven't done so already.

For further information please read the letter below:

Lancashire Hawks & Owls

Wednesday 22nd November 

Year 3 will be visiting White Scar Caves on Wednesday 22nd November. They will be leaving school promptly at 9.15am and expect to return to school at normal home time, but this will depend on traffic, and could be slightly later. We will inform parents via Parentapp if it is later than expected.

We are asking for a donation of £6.00, for entry and guided tour. A gift shop is available to look around and the children may bring a few pounds to spend. (No more than £5). Please pay, sign and return the form at the bottom of the letter below if you haven't done so already. 

For further information please read the letter below:

Yr3 Visit to White Scar Caves



Did you know we have a section on our website where you can find all the recent letters that have been sent home?

Click the link and have a look, making sure you are up to date with all that is going on at St. John's: